Redden et al. (29), which collected exposure
data 2–7 months postpartum. The
prepregnancy time period was defined in
six studies as 1 year before the index pregnancy
(23–28), in one study as 3 months
before the index pregnancy (29), and in
one study as the average exposure over
several years of follow-up before the index
pregnancy (22). All but one study
(29) reported use of a validated physical
activity questionnaire to assess exposure,
although only one of these questionnaires
was specifically validated in pregnant
women, with satisfactory results (24).
GDM was physician-diagnosed in all but
one study, which used validated selfreport
of having received a physician’s diagnosis
(22). Other relevant study
characteristics are tabulated in Table 1.
Redden et al. (29), which collected exposuredata 2–7 months postpartum. Theprepregnancy time period was defined insix studies as 1 year before the index pregnancy(23–28), in one study as 3 monthsbefore the index pregnancy (29), and inone study as the average exposure overseveral years of follow-up before the indexpregnancy (22). All but one study(29) reported use of a validated physicalactivity questionnaire to assess exposure,although only one of these questionnaireswas specifically validated in pregnantwomen, with satisfactory results (24).GDM was physician-diagnosed in all butone study, which used validated selfreportof having received a physician’s diagnosis(22). Other relevant studycharacteristics are tabulated in Table 1.
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