The red cell sedimentation is influenced by a number of interacting factors. Principally, it is due to the difference
in density between red blood cells and plasma . An im-portant factor influencing this is erythrocyte aggregation or
rouleaux formation. Other factors that have an influence are ratio of red cells to plasma, and changes in erythrocyte sur-face charge, size, shape, deformability and density . The three-stage sedimentation reaction of erythrocytes through
plasma contains: firstly, the red cell rouleaux formation (10 min) in which erythrocytes aggregate in a specific manner;
secondly, sedimentation (40 min); and thirdly, cell packing (10 min) which depends both on hematocrit and ESR [20].
The sedimentation time on StaRRsed is user-selectable: if the 30 min measuring time is used, a correlation equation
changes the measurements into 60 min results. This leads to the fact that measurements taken at times other than 60 min-