I will give few suggestions to improve safety standard in your company.
You can conduct a monthly safety meeting with all department heads. I know if number of workers are too much, then it is not possible to conduct safety meeting with all workers.
But if it is less than 50-60, then you can call all workers once a month to conduct a safety meeting. Otherwise call all department heads. Ask them what are the near misses reported during the month.
Make it compulsory to report at least 4 near misses by each workshop or department. Normally there are so many near misses every day happening, but we don’t take it seriously. But tell everyone to report near misses.
It is a good way of increase awareness about safety. Discuss these near misses and all incidents, accidents happened during the month, then talk about how to prevent it, what are the precautions to be taken.
Tell workers, safety is a HABIT. Tell them the consequences if something happen to a worker. Tell them to think about their families. Tell them to think about how their family members are suffering if some thing happen to him. Tell them that nothing will happen to company
And after sometimes, company will forget what happened, but their family members will be suffering for ever .
Maintain a LTI Clock as I said before. LTI is Lost Time Injury. It is a digital basic clock which shows days. If you start from today, it will indicate 1, tomorrow 2, day after tomorrow 3.So it will keep on adding dates. If any injury occurred to any worker in your company, if he cannot work for
One day due to his injury, it is called a lost time injury. Because of his accident or incident, one day is lost (he can’t work for one day). Then the clock should start again from 1. If you can maintain the clock continuously, that means no injury in your work place.
LTIF means Lost Time Injury Frequency. Normally international industrial LTIF is 1. That means only one lost time injury during one month. If two workers had lost time injuries, the your LTIF becomes 2.You should be able to maintain LTIF close to 1.
You can introduce them a “safety Pledge”. And print it on a pocket size laminated paper and workers can keep it in his pocket when they are working. In that paper, you can write, 1. Make safety my #1 priority, 2. Stop, look, think before I act, 3. Stop unsafe conditions and acts…………….
So you can make 10 sentences and print it on a laminated paper and give all the workers to put it daily in their pockets.
These are some points to improve your company safety culture.