A more accurate approach of these dampings is given in the next. In Fig. (2) the drag coefficient for different shapes is shown. With exception of frontal flat plates, it is seen that CD is not predictable over a large range in Reynolds number. Large Reynolds numbers may be usual in the operation of ROVs. This is shown by a simple example. Let a spheric ROV with diameter d = 1[m] have a frontal velocityu varying between 0 till 1[m/s], it results a range in Reynolds number from 0 till 106 (at 20 [oC] and 1 [atm]). In this range the value of CD varies significantly in magnitude, particularlyaboutthevalue Re = 106. At a Reynolds number between 105 and 106, the drag coefficient takes generally a sudden dip (Hideshi, 1989). In particular, near the shoulder, the pressure gradient changes from being negative (decreasing pressure) to positive (increasing pressure). The force due to pressure differences changes sign from being an accelerating force to being a retarding force. The curves in Fig. (2) are valid for polished surfaces. When the surface contains certain degree of roughness, then the dips of CD occur at smaller Reynolds numbers than in the case of thefigure (Faltinsen, 1990). The resulting drag force curves for spherical bodies with different diameters are given in Fig. (3, right). It is worth noticing the functions are not convex in the usual range of that velocity. The development of particular flow patterns with increasing Re accounts for transitions between laminar and turbulent boundary layers as seen in Fig. (3, left). It follows that, if the boundary layer of a sphere can be made turbulent at a lower Reynolds number, then the drag shouldalso go down at that Reynolds number. In order to capture these hydrodynamics phenomena in the model structure, the following description is used