Quality Management System (QMS)
QMS is a task management and communication system designed to provide hotels with an integrated tool to schedule and track tasks, and to track preventive maintenance projects. QMS will be accessible via the OPERAPalm as well as via pager and voice recognition systems to remotely enter and receive updates. The OPERA Quality Management System (QMS) is designed to help hotels enhance the quality of service at every point of customer interaction. OPERA's Quality Management System provides hotel managers and every hotel employee with the tools that will keep service standards high, improve guest satisfaction, and ultimately increase revenues.
With OPERA Quality Management System, your hotel can manage tasks, on-going maintenance issues, guest complaints, as well as the quality of your hotel's appearance, easily and efficiently. With OPERA QMS, you can be sure that guests will enter a room that is clean and has everything in working order. OPERA QMS gives you the tools you need to improve communication between departments, which results in a higher level of quality and a better hotel experience for your guests. With the system's quick guest request response system, management can check employee response times against standard response times for guest services. Management is also automatically alerted to delays or gaps in services before they become customer complaints. Bottom line, you and your staff anticipate guest needs instead of reacting to your guests' complaints.