Eye: Immediately flush with water.
Skin: No first aid should be needed.
Inhalation: No first aid should be needed.
Oral: No first aid should be needed.
Notes to Physician: Treat symptomatically.
Flash Point Range: >214 to >610 °F / >101.1 to >321.1 °C (Closed Cup) [all],
>680 °F / >360 °C (Cleveland Open Cup)
Autoignition Temperature: Not determined, except for 5 cP Fluid: >752 °F / >400 °C.
Flammability Limits in Air: Not determined.
Extinguishing Media: On large fires use dry chemical, foam or water spray. On small fires use carbon
dioxide (CO2), dry chemical or water spray. Water can be used to cool fire exposed containers.
Fire Fighting Measures: Self-contained breathing apparatus and protective clothing should be worn in
fighting large fires involving chemicals. Determine the need to evacuate or isolate the area according to your
local emergency plan. Use water spray to keep fire exposed containers cool.
Unusual Fire Hazards: None.
Containment/Clean up:
Determine whether to evacuate or isolate the area according to your local emergency plan. Observe all
personal protection equipment recommendations described in Sections 5 and 8. For large spills, provide
diking or other appropriate containment to keep material from spreading. If diked material can be pumped,
store recovered material in appropriate container. Clean up remaining materials from spill with suitable
absorbant. Clean area as appropriate since spilled materials, even in small quantities, may present a slip
hazard. Final cleaning may require use of steam, solvents or detergents. Dispose of saturated absorbant or
cleaning materials appropriately, since spontaneous heating may occur. Local, state and federal laws and
regulations may apply to releases and disposal of this material, as well as those materials and items
employed in the cleanup of releases. You will need to determine which federal, state and local laws and
regulations are applicable. Sections 13 and 15 of this MSDS provide information regarding certain federal
and state requirements.
Note: See section 8 for Personal Protective Equipment for Spills.
Use with adequate ventilation. Avoid eye contact.
Use reasonable care and store away from oxidizing materials.
4. FIRST AID MEASURESEye: Immediately flush with water.Skin: No first aid should be needed.Inhalation: No first aid should be needed.Oral: No first aid should be needed.Notes to Physician: Treat symptomatically.5. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURESFlash Point Range: >214 to >610 °F / >101.1 to >321.1 °C (Closed Cup) [all],>680 °F / >360 °C (Cleveland Open Cup)Autoignition Temperature: Not determined, except for 5 cP Fluid: >752 °F / >400 °C.Flammability Limits in Air: Not determined.Extinguishing Media: On large fires use dry chemical, foam or water spray. On small fires use carbondioxide (CO2), dry chemical or water spray. Water can be used to cool fire exposed containers.Fire Fighting Measures: Self-contained breathing apparatus and protective clothing should be worn infighting large fires involving chemicals. Determine the need to evacuate or isolate the area according to yourlocal emergency plan. Use water spray to keep fire exposed containers cool.Unusual Fire Hazards: None.6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESContainment/Clean up:Determine whether to evacuate or isolate the area according to your local emergency plan. Observe allpersonal protection equipment recommendations described in Sections 5 and 8. For large spills, providediking or other appropriate containment to keep material from spreading. If diked material can be pumped,store recovered material in appropriate container. Clean up remaining materials from spill with suitableabsorbant. Clean area as appropriate since spilled materials, even in small quantities, may present a slip
hazard. Final cleaning may require use of steam, solvents or detergents. Dispose of saturated absorbant or
cleaning materials appropriately, since spontaneous heating may occur. Local, state and federal laws and
regulations may apply to releases and disposal of this material, as well as those materials and items
employed in the cleanup of releases. You will need to determine which federal, state and local laws and
regulations are applicable. Sections 13 and 15 of this MSDS provide information regarding certain federal
and state requirements.
Note: See section 8 for Personal Protective Equipment for Spills.
Use with adequate ventilation. Avoid eye contact.
Use reasonable care and store away from oxidizing materials.
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