The history of NUST LMS Portal spans over a period of 3 years since it was introduced in NUST Islamabad. NUST School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (SEECS) started using Moodle as LMS from spring of 2008. The deployment of Learning Management System for NUST H-12 campus was approved in May 2010. In a very short time LMS project has moved from being just a pilot project to becoming the integral part of the NUST experience.
Keeping in view the scope of the project, the overall deployment was divided in several phases which cover all the campuses of NUST H-12.
Success Stories
Achieved deployment of LMS at School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (SEECS) and NUST Business School (NBS) in phase I.
In Phase II, the system has been made available to:
School of Chemical and Materials Engineering (SCME)
School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (SMME)
Research Centre for Modeling & Simulation (RCMS)
Current deploying at SCEE in Phase III which includes:
National Institute of Transportation (NIT)
Institute of Geographical Information Systems (IGIS).
Institute of Environmental Sciences & Engineering (IESE)
NUST Institute of Civil Engineering (NICE).
Future Plans and Goals
The goal is to deploy LMS in all campuses of NUST, H-12 Campus. The next step includes other school/colleges of NUST i.e. College of Electrical & Mechanical Engineering, Military College of Signals, Pakistan Navy Engineering College etc.