• There needs to be a map section on the proposed main dashboard design as soon as possible. The slides have this as ‘Release 2’ but we don’t know if this means ‘Phase 2’ or ‘Next week’. We showed the maps to Kevin last week, so the next opportunity when we can get his time it should be to show that we can actually use it for IG data. Note: it does not need to be the new Yellowfin-native map and also doesn’t need to be a full heat-map, just a basic visualization that just puts a blob on a location would be fine because then we can show the navigation / user experience to click through on a location. Yesterday Ae’s team added location coordinates to the Warehouse screen (UAT) and IG entered/checked the locations for all relevant warehouses today so this is ready to go. As for the formula to use we can keep it simple for now and just show total cost of inventory over 180 days. So the higher the inventory cost over 180 days, the bigger the blob. Feel free to remove ‘virtual’ locations such as QAP Damaged inventory warehouses, warehouses with Europe company inventory in the same US location, etc. (Just remove any existing coordinates using the Warehouse screen, then Yellowfin can ignore locations without coordinates.) [SC] If just to do inventory cost over 180 days instead of avg. inventory age and sample lat/long then it could be possible. I’ll check with team. We still need IG to provide lat/long information of all physical warehouses.