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The Egyptian pyramids remain one of the most beautiful and complex mysteries of the modern world. Set against the exotic backdrop of the Egypt dessert,these stone temples take our memories back to the days of pharaohs and mummies. Throughout history,there have been many theories regarding the exact manner in which the Egyptian pyramids were built.
It appears to modern man the ancient Egyptian pyramids were no small feat to construct. Some theories have ever surfaced indicating that at least some scholars believe in aliens building pyramids. However,one of the most long held beliefs relating to the building of the pyramids is that they were constructed through the use of slave labor.
Ancient document have revealed that in most instances it took numerous years,usually decades,for even one of the ancient Egypt pyramids to be assembled. Records also indicate that it was traditional for a pharaoh to begin construction on a pyramid not long after he took the throne and that the building process might last almost the entire length of his reign. In the case of King Tut,evidence indicates that the tomb he was laid to rest in was originally prepared for someone of a lesser standing. Obviously,he was not expected to die at such a young age therefore did not have sufficient time to prepare his own burial tomb.
Besides the beauty and mystery regarding the construction of the Egyptian pyramids,there are also a number of interesting facts about Egyptian pyramids. King Khufu's great pyramid is the largest pyramid. It is well know as one of the Seven Wonders of the World,standing at an impressive 146 meters.
The ancient Egyptian pyramids served as a multitude of purposes. They were primarily used as the burial tombs of the royal family,consisting of the pharaohs,his queen,and offspring. Modern excavations have uncovered that the inside of the Egyptian pyramids were almost always laid store with a variety of items that the dead would need in the afterlife. Some of the most ornate and expensive items ever discovered on the inside of Egyptian pyramids came from the tomb of King Tut.