3. Results
3.1. Percentages
Table 1 shows the means where appropriate or percentage answering yes
or no for each question. Nearly 90% (86.7) of the respondents claimed to
have a regular source of income, the vast majority of which (70%) came from
pocket money (around £2.50 or $3.75 per week). Over 90% said they received
money as a Christmas and birthday present, receiving over ®ve weeks pocket
money equivalent on birthdays, and about four weeks pocket money at
Christmas. Most respondents (80%) noted that their parents would not give
them more money if they spent it all, con®rming their middle class status.
Just under three quarters (72.5%) claimed that they lent money to friends, but
just over half (54.25%) claimed that they borrowed money from friends.
Most (92%) reported that they had money saved and that this was in a cash
box at home. Relatively few of the participants stored money elsewhere,
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