From this scholarship I will be one step closer to obtaining my dream of becoming a doctor without having large student loans to repay. I have always worked hard at everything I have done whether it be getting an A in a college level class or smiling at every customer I encounter at my cashier job at The Fresh Market and I believe my hard work will pay off. I am naturally a very competitive person and can not help my tendency to want to overachieve. I have taken some of the most challenging classes at my school, become an active member of the Center of International Studies Magnet, and achieved Historian of the National Honor Society. My accomplishments have brought me the satisfaction of high achievement and I hope for them to continue to direct me to become a doctor. With the generous scholarship I hope to receive from the Kenard Lang Foundation I will be able to continue my education to the highest level. I will be able to relieve a small amount of the large financial burden my father and I are looking to bear. Most importantly, I will use this scholarship to become a physician and help others in need.