Solid waste is a growing problem in all countries, and a critical problem in many cities of the developing world (Guerrero et al., 2013). Developed countries have in recent years reduced the environmental impact of solid waste through sanitary landfills and high-temperature incineration, as well as conserving natural resources and energy through increased recycling, but the volume of waste generated is steadily growing. In the developing world, few cities have adequate solid waste collection and disposal systems, and the accumulating waste threatens health, damages the environment, and detracts from the quality of life (UNEP, 2008).
There was lacking of awareness on solid waste management. Also rapid population growth and rapid urbanization, socio-economic crisis, rapid increase in the volume of municipal and industrial solid wastes, lack of waste reduction efforts, insufficient integration system between responsible agencies, lack of legal instruments to manage solid waste to the environment, high cost of advanced technology, insufficient public education and community partnership are most common barrier reasons for proper solid waste management in every developing countries.