Today we have gone with Ekaterina to bank to learn all necessary
that I could receive money of the husband, me have informed, that I should fill some papers.
Then in bank will consider my statements and if there will be no problems,
I can take money which my husband stored in bank. Now I should wait some days and then go to bank.
There is one more important detail. I hope, that my statement for the visa will approve,
therefore it is necessary for me to know
The international airport closest to you in which you can meet me. I hope that you write me it!!!!
My love, I also wish to ask that you have written me your full name and your full address!
It can be necessary for me for registration of the visa and other documents!
Also my mum wishes to know it!
Only do not think, that all my days pass so. It is an approximate variant.
Every day presents a miscellaneous. But that specific to each my day: THESE ARE my THOUGHTS On YOU!!!
Cat, I Your and only your Elena.