The study was funded by the Canadian Institutes
of Health Research, the U.S. Department of Defense,
and others. The Clinical Advances through
Research and Information Translation (CLARITY)
Research Group at McMaster University coordinated
the trial and was responsible for the trial
randomization, the maintenance, validation, and
analysis of the data, and the study-center coordination.
The Greenville Health System assisted
in the coordination of study sites in the United
States. Stryker donated Surgilav irrigators for the
trial for clinical sites in Asia. Zimmer provided
the Pulsavac irrigator at a reduced cost to selected
clinical sites in North America. Triad Medical
donated castile soap; castile soap from Aplicare
was purchased at full cost. No donor or funder
had a role in the design or conduct of the study,
the collection or analyses of the data, or the
preparation of the manuscript.