How to practice CPR? There are three step of CPR. Firstly A: Airway this is the first step Needs to be done quickly because the base of the tongue and larynx has agreed to block the upper airway of the patient unconscious. Second B: Breathing is a ventilator due to breathing. The body is still oxygen in the lungs and the bloodstream. But there is no backup, so When breathing stops It Respirator As a way to help patients get oxygen into the lungs the patient breathes out resuscitation to two times per 1-1.5 seconds (each 16% oxygen) is blowing rate of 12 -15 times / minute as close to normal breathing. Third C: Circulation is the external cardiac massage. Experience in the assessment of cardiac arrest. By capturing vital carotid artery and there was no pulse. It helps with the circulation of the blood by the external cardiac massage.