I really don't like that my shyness makes me not as outgoing as I would like to be. When I'm around friends out in public I can be really outgoing because it's people around me that don't know me and I don't really care what they think about me. If I'm with friends and I am around someone I don't know very well, but do know, I can be a little outgoing, but not as much as I would like to be.
My shyness makes me nervous at times because if I am going to be around a lot of people I don't know or don't know very well then I get nervous about talking to them and saying something stupid or doing something stupid. It is really embarrassing when I get like that. It makes me bite my lip a lot and it makes me look down and not really look the person in the eye. Then If no one is talking to me I stare at the floor.
Also, it makes me really quiet around people I don't know. I hardly speak unless I'm spoken to, then I kind of whisper and they have to ask me what I said. I really don't like that because then they know I'm a bit shy and some people really don't like people being shy around them.
All of these reasons are really embarrassing, I don't like that I'm really shy at times. It makes it really hard to talk to a lot of people that I don't really know. It makes me not really outgoing, really nervous at times and really quiet when I'm around people I don't know or don't know very well. It is a horrible curse. My Mom says I'll grow out of it, hopefully that is true.