This article considers the suitability of current robots designed to assist humans in accomplishing their
daily domestic tasks. With several million units sold worldwide, robotic vacuum cleaners are currently
the figurehead in this field. As such, we will use them to investigate the following key question: How
does a service cleaning robot perform in a real household? One must consider not just how well a robot
accomplishes its task, but also how well it integrates inside the user’s space and perception. We took
a holistic approach to addressing these topics by combining two studies in order to build a common
ground. In the first of these studies, we analyzed a sample of seven robots to identify the influence of key
technologies, such as the navigation system, on technical performance. In the second study, we conducted
an ethnographic study within nine households to identify users’ needs. This innovative approach enables
us to recommend a number of concrete improvements aimed at fulfilling users’ needs by leveraging
current technologies to reach new possibilities.
This article considers the suitability of current robots designed to assist humans in accomplishing theirdaily domestic tasks. With several million units sold worldwide, robotic vacuum cleaners are currentlythe figurehead in this field. As such, we will use them to investigate the following key question: Howdoes a service cleaning robot perform in a real household? One must consider not just how well a robotaccomplishes its task, but also how well it integrates inside the user’s space and perception. We tooka holistic approach to addressing these topics by combining two studies in order to build a commonground. In the first of these studies, we analyzed a sample of seven robots to identify the influence of keytechnologies, such as the navigation system, on technical performance. In the second study, we conductedan ethnographic study within nine households to identify users’ needs. This innovative approach enablesus to recommend a number of concrete improvements aimed at fulfilling users’ needs by leveragingcurrent technologies to reach new possibilities.
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