Now Edmond had found out what he wanted to know. His poor father had died soon after hearing that his son was in prison. still confident that Edmond was innocent. Villefort Danglars and Fernand were all now living in Paris. Danglars had made a lot of money as a banker in Madrid, and was now a baron. Fernand had also done well as an army officer in France and Greece: he was now a rich gentleman, and called himself Monsieur de Morcerf Mercedes had waited over a year for Edmond to return, and then. miserable and lonely, she had agreed to marry Fernand: she was now Madame de Morcerf with a son called Albert. It was painful for Edmond to think of her in Fernand's arms. Lord Wilmore's next visit was to an important banker in Marseille. Monsieur." he explained. I work for the Thomson and French company in Rome. Morrel and Son of Marseille owe us 100.000 francs, and we've heard they're in serious difficulties. The banker was glad to help. I think the best person to give pay you information is Monsieur Boville. the prison inspector Morre owes him money, too. He lives opposite the church.