3.1.1. FTIR analysis
Fig. 2 shows the FTIR spectra of PVDF100K and PVDF100K–PVP
membranes. As seen in Fig. 2(a), the peak near 840 cm1, 875 cm1,
1400 cm1 and 1073 cm1 was attributed to the vibration of b-
PVDF, as reported by Yun [19]. A weak peak representing the characteristic
vibration of C@O group and a peak of medium intensity
corresponding to the asymmetric ACH2 stretch were found near
1700 cm1 and 2900 cm1 in Fig. 2(b), respectively, which was in
accordance with the work of Mcdermott [20]. Besides, a strong
characteristic peak near 3400 cm1 was due to AOH and
570 cm1 was assigned to NAC@O bend vibration, which was also
summarized by Borodko [21]. All the new emerging characteristic
peaks in Fig. 2(b) showed that the PVP molecules were grafted to
the PVDF membrane surface successfully.
3.1.1. FTIR analysisFig. 2 shows the FTIR spectra of PVDF100K and PVDF100K–PVPmembranes. As seen in Fig. 2(a), the peak near 840 cm1, 875 cm1,1400 cm1 and 1073 cm1 was attributed to the vibration of b-PVDF, as reported by Yun [19]. A weak peak representing the characteristicvibration of C@O group and a peak of medium intensitycorresponding to the asymmetric ACH2 stretch were found near1700 cm1 and 2900 cm1 in Fig. 2(b), respectively, which was inaccordance with the work of Mcdermott [20]. Besides, a strongcharacteristic peak near 3400 cm1 was due to AOH and570 cm1 was assigned to NAC@O bend vibration, which was alsosummarized by Borodko [21]. All the new emerging characteristicpeaks in Fig. 2(b) showed that the PVP molecules were grafted tothe PVDF membrane surface successfully.
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