If you are thinking about what to study at university or looking for a career change, if you care about the environment and the places where we live, work and play, this film aims to help you decide 'I want to be a landscape architect!'
I graduate as an urban planner next semester. Would landscape architecture be a good field for me to get a Masters Degree in?
It's a great subject, but don't study this thinking you will become a landscape architect. That is not likely to happen.
I can't wait to register for this course becouse i see my natural born nature talent for landscaping goin to end up very far... Thanks to the video is really incouraging and powered me so much to go for this..
If you are licensed Landscape Architect in Texas or architecture student and have an issue with the Texas Board of Architectural Examiners, please call on us to provide suggestions and how best to respond. The first call is free and we are here to help professionals. Please call us at 713-225-6000 in Texas, USA. Put our 40 years of experience to work for you at Bennett Licensing where we are professionals helping professionals with their Texas licenses.
I am an Indian Architect and also want to be a Landscape architect .This video really gave a clear picture about the profession and information.Really it made me wake as i am always fond of nature and beauty.
I couldn't explain this field in any better sense. As an upcoming student about to graduate and enter into the realm of professionalism, this film has inspired me and reassured me that this is a path I am not afraid to enter into, but rather the path I am passionate about. Thank you for this, it is deeply appreciated.