Q1 asks you to write your nickname explaining what it means, your age and your location.
Nickname rules:
- Maximum of 7 Korean letters, 12 english letters.
Your nickname can only be all in KOREAN or all in ENGLISH, no mixing Korean and English.
- NO capitals, numbers, or symbols
- You cannot use any of the member’s names, couple names, or anything turning Infinite feminine.
Q2 Asks you to write out each member’s name, birthday and blood type.
You need to write in order ofwhat time they arrived in “This is Infinite”episode 6.
Q3 Is asking which nicknames do not follow the fancafe rules on nicknames and are incorrect
Q4 Asks you which of the following options is acceptable activity on the fancafe.
Q5 Asks out of the 5 music streaming methods listed which ones are correct.
Q6 TheKorean letters are part of some song lyrics. You must find the correct lyrics, song title, album title and release date.
Q7 Write the order in which the members have individual closeups in the MV.
This is after the Woollim logo and you may only write each member once.
Q8 Asks for proof of streaming. You need to make a screencap
with proof that you have streamed ‘Back’. Streaming the video on youtube is included in streaming.
See our music streaming guide for more details on streaming.
(aseparate post has been made on how to make a screencap)
Q9 Write a message to infinite that is more than 3 lines long.
Q10 Asks if you agree to follow the fancafe rules.