NAME CHANGE CERTIFICATE(S): Required for all name changes if the petitioner or applicant (and applicant’s parents or children in stepparent-stepchildren cases) have ever changed their first name or last name. A Certificate of Same Person issued by the local district office (Thai Amphur) listing all names since birth may be submitted in lieu of individual name change certificates.
MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES: Both the petitioner and applicant must present legal marriage certificates for all prior and current marriages.
TERMINATION OF PREVIOUS MARRIAGES: If either the petitioner or applicant were previously married, they must provide proof of legal termination of that marriage (e.g. death certificate of spouse, final divorce decree or annulment).
Stepchildren cases: The biological parent and the petitioner must present all prior and current marriage certificates and proof of termination for any previous marriages.
MARITALSTATUSCERTIFICATE(S)(หนงัสือรับรองสถานภาพการสมรส)(alsoknownasthe Single Status Certificate): F11 and F24 visa category applicants should submit a marital status