In order to increase the service levels as well as benefit on cost efficiency. Therefore the clients are:
1) Ichitan >>>BPI site
2) Tipco >>>>BPI site
3) Cadbury or Modeleze >>BPI site.
In the beginning, it has informed and communicate to sales team regarding to the concerned and timing. It has been postponed from 1 August then the next time is on 1st September 2014.
Shall we conduct the meeting with the concerned team on :
1) 15th August : 11.00 am - 12.00 pm
2) 18th August : 2.00 pm - 4.00 pm.
The meeting will walk through:
1) The order cycle and lead time
2) Return process and goods return transition
3) Re-confirm 1st order.
Currently we had BDF and MJ that ship to Makro DC's.