2. Specify process parameters
K = number of cluster centers desired.
The actual number of clusters returned at the end of clustering will be between K/2 and 2K. (ENVI: specify a minimum and maximum.)
Nmin = minimum number of samples allowed for a viable cluster.
σlim = maximum allowable size of a single cluster.
Dlump = lumping parameter -- a distance in gray values.
If two cluster centers are closer than the lumping parameter distance, the clusters will be grouped into a single cluster.
Nlump = maximum number of pairs of cluster centers which can be lumped during one iteration.
Niter = number of iterations allowed.
If the procedure is going to work given the initial parameters, it should converge fairly quickly, i.e., in a few iterations. If the routine does not converge "quickly" it could go on indefinitely.
ε = stopping criterion
Stop if the total change in position of the cluster centers falls below this limit.