Ha Ha, really grasped the new strength, continual promotion twofold boundary, this also image point appearance.” At this moment, formerly also somewhat depressed Eggy, immediately lit up with pleasure, that smiles calls a beautiful.
„This is also not anything, this breakthrough, I have the new harvest, perhaps this was Divine Lightning truly to the strength.” Chu Feng said.
„True strength? What is that harvests?” After hearing the Chu Feng words, Eggy immediately at present one bright, cannot bear closely examine.
„Here is unsafe, changes a place, I demonstrated that looks to you.” Chu Feng shows a faint smile, afterward the personal appearance moves, Azure Dragon overflows, at the inconceivable speed, grazes to go to the distant place.
Chu Feng has not followed ancient times the immortal needle directly, returns to above the water surface, but in the deep place of ancient times immortal pond, plundered outward.
Because ancient times immortal needle was triggered, believes that many people the vision, strongly in the central area of ancient times immortal pond, were waiting for triggering ancient times the person of immortal needle appeared.
This regarding the people of person clan, absolutely is very exciting moment, perhaps but regarding Ancient Elf, is just the opposite.
Has experienced Chu Feng of Ancient Elf method, can guess that until now they, some hated themselves, if known by them, is ancient times immortal needle that triggered, perhaps Ancient Elf will not let off him easily.
If Ancient Elf must cope with Chu Feng, perhaps Chu Feng adds Cyanwood Mountain that colossus, is difficult to run away dies, because Ancient Elf was extremely formidable was really better.
Avoids having the method of accident, only then one, that is Chu Feng did good does not leave a good name, he prepared in ancient times immortal Ikenouchi, the tour to the surrounding of ancient times immortal pond, then left quietly, this nobody knows that is ancient times immortal needle that he triggered.
The Chu Feng speed promoted extreme, quick then left the ancient times immortal pond, the region that ancient times formation covered, after leaving that region, that terrifying pressure naturally also vanished to disappear.
Here, although still stemmed from the deep place of ancient times immortal pond, but has been far away from the crowd, but Chu Feng does not have the urgent departure immortal pond, because his impatient wish tries, brand-new strength that he grasps now.
„Quick, quick, quick, has a look to this queen quickly, Divine Lightning true power, actually what.” Eggy is also the impatient urging said.
„Hey, no rush, this looks to you.” Chu Feng happily smiles, afterward in eye emerged to wipe dignifiedly, he has closed both eyes first, afterward the aura of whole person, was becomes completely different.
Lightning Armour and thunder wing, but also on his body, but the thunder above both actually had the change, a more terrifying thunder, is in Chu Feng within the body preparation.
Suddenly, Chu Feng has opened both eyes suddenly, but at this moment from Chu Feng within the body, five Divine Lightning, changed to finger length thunder snakes, is similar to the advantage arrow is ordinary, is centered on Chu Feng, to explodes in all directions shoots to go.
At this moment, this side waters not in peaceful, because of that Divine Lightning place visited, all living things all extinguishes, this is containing world energy the water of immortal pond , in that Divine Lightning , the twinkling evaporates, terrifying lethality, in this immortal pond deep place, quietly performance.
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