oh! so excited l'm new here.
I hope teachers and friends will be nice to me.
This is Noong-Ning
I love this place.
Everything is great.
This is Junny
Noong-Ning - good morning
Junny - Morning
Noong-Ning - I'm Noong-Ning. What's your name?
Junny - I'm Junny. Are you the first year student?
Noong-Ning - Yes. And you?
Junny - Yes. Um... What is your Major?
Noong-Ning - l'm an MTM student. *MTM = Modern Trade Management
Junny - Oh! Me, too.
Noong-Ning - Really What's your section?
Junny - B1
Noong-Ning - Oh! Me, too.
Junny - 1. So we are classmates.
2. You are my classmate
Noong-Ning - Let's go to the class!
Junny - 1. Yeash!
2. Yup!
Teacher - Good morning, students.
l'm your teachrer.
My name is Sally.
Teacher - Let me introduce myself. l'm sally
Teacher - stand up and introduce yourself.
Noong-Ning - `Hello everyone, l'm Noong-Ning.
Pete - Hello! l'm Pete.
Junny - l'm Junny.
Alex - l'm Alex.
Teacher - Nice to meet you.
Alex - Nice to meet you.
Junny - Nice to meet you.
Pete - Nice to meet you.
Noong-Ning - Nice to meet you.