Hope all is well for everyone J We are looking forward to meet everybody in the upcoming Thailand Trip. 7-9th April.
Prior to the SS15 Polo and Heelys Presentation by principal , we will be meeting on 7th April 2pm to review and discuss the performance for FY2013-2014 and the next 3 years. Beside reviewing on Polo /Heelys, we would also take this opportunity to discuss about Syunsoku and DKNY.
Please provide us all the information required. Sales reported here will be based on entire FY closing (1 April 2013 till 31 March 2014). Please convert all sales to USD
· Distrb $- List all the Department store/own store(retail)/ wholesale. The No. of POS.
· YTD2013-2014 PERFORMANCE (same format as Yien’s last BOR summary).
· 3 Yr Forecast (sam’s format, but to include QTY)
· Inventory/ Forthcoming Shipment –breakdown by season
· Gaps/Opportunity- Share with your needs/requirement/missing opportunity with regards to price/product/quality/marketing… etc
· Visual Merchandising/ store photos.
Please have this return to us by 2nd April, as I need time to consolidate all the reports. I understand financial closing report may only be available around 4-5th of the month but do your best to provide us the sales to estimated actual closing. Would you need assistance on this, please feel free to drop me an email.