The current pearl oyster fishing ground
was located between the boundary 08º 35’ 22.5"
N lat. 78º 27’ 40.9" E long at a depth ranging
from 10 to 15 m. The major pearl oyster beds
are scattered within this area. There are several
reports on the occurrence of pearls in the
window pane oyster (Placenta placenta) from
many localities of the Indian coasts (Hornell,
1906, 1909, 1949; Rai 1932; Moses 1939,
Jones 1970; Bhavanarayana and Raghunath
1973). The present paper deals with occurrence
of this species, distribution and size of pearl
from Kayalpattinam coast of Gulf of Mannar,
Southeast coast of India.
The current pearl oyster fishing ground
was located between the boundary 08º 35’ 22.5"
N lat. 78º 27’ 40.9" E long at a depth ranging
from 10 to 15 m. The major pearl oyster beds
are scattered within this area. There are several
reports on the occurrence of pearls in the
window pane oyster (Placenta placenta) from
many localities of the Indian coasts (Hornell,
1906, 1909, 1949; Rai 1932; Moses 1939,
Jones 1970; Bhavanarayana and Raghunath
1973). The present paper deals with occurrence
of this species, distribution and size of pearl
from Kayalpattinam coast of Gulf of Mannar,
Southeast coast of India.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..