Da Gouzi was the largest supporter of Yue Zhong. Da Gouzi was more energetic than Yue Zhong himself. He wanted to use Yue Zhong to put on airs. After all if he didn’ have Yue Zhong, the powerless Da Gouzi would become nothing. If Yue Zhong grew more powerful, his position would continue to climb up.
Since Yue Zhong seized the weapons arsenal, it would be no problem to launch a small scale war. It would be no problem to seize the small town of zombies.
Yue Zhong considered a moment, then directly refused this proposal: “No! Big Cliff Village is too close to Lei Jiang City. And it is hard to defend. Lei Jiang city has over 100,000 zombies. If one day they decide to move and attack in that direction, we wouldn’t be able to stop them.”
Wu Guang also proposed: “What about Shanglin county? That place has a large granary. If we can solve the mutant rat problem there, we can attain the granary. We wouldn’t have to worry about food again.”
Wu Guang also energetically expressed himself in order to enter Yue Zhong’s powerful group.
“Shanglin County? Yue Zhong held his head with one hand and lightly tapped the table with another. Shaking his head he said: “No! If we capture Shanglin county, then Long Hai City base will attack us. In order to feed themselves, we could be extinguished.”
Long Hai City survivor base had already become a threat in Yue Zhong’s mind. He couldn’t take Shanglin County due to Long Hai City survivor base. He was unable to predict Long Hai City’s actions.
Other people proposed several counties and villages, but they were all vetoed by Yue Zhong.
“What about Stone Horse Village?” at this time, Guo Yu who always sat beside Yue Zhong without speaking, suddenly spoke.
Yue Zhong raised a brow and looked at Guo Yu.
Everyone in the meeting looked at Guo Yu.
The young and tender face of Guo Yu didn’t show a trace of nervousness being looked at by so many people. She stared at Yue Zhong and slowly explained: “Stone Horse Village rests against Dragon Flower Mountain. It is also surrounded by two rivers, a natural defense. We only need to defend one side.”
Guo Yu methodically explained: “If zombies break through our defense, we can also retreat and hide in Dragon Flower Mountain. The two rivers will also have lots of food, resolving our food supply problem. The only thing to worry about is Dragon Flower Mountain could have mutant beasts. But if we resolve the mutant beast problem, then we will have a safe place to live. Also, Big Cliff Village is to the right of Stone Horse Village. If we have strength in the future, we can recapture Big Cliff village, attaining their heavy machinery and steel. Stone Horse village is our best choice from a safety point of view.
Guo Yu continuously sought information on the villages near Lei Jiang City and Long Hai City after Yue Zhong took over Always Bright Village, and she selected a place sufficient for Yue Zhong.
Yue Zhong asked Chi Yang: “Chi Yang, how is the terrain of Stone Horse Village?”
Chi Yang had been gathering supplies and rushing about all over the place these past few days. He knew the surrounding terrain.