In our studies the effects of magnetic field was investigated.
We began our studies with conventional electropolishing (EP) to
compare the results with the ones obtained under electropolishing
using a magnetic field (MEP). Most of the results have been
performed on the austenitic AISI 316L SS, though some experiments
with the results concerning EP and MEP of ferritic AISI 430SS
have been carried out and delivered. The second material used,
the ferritic AISI 430SS was included to observe eventual effect of
ferromagnetic material against a paramagnetic one.
In Fig. 2 the effect of scan rate during conventional EP is presented.
Too small rate of scanning, referred to 0.1mVs−1, results in
quick alterations of current density together with the rise in potential
applied to the sample. On the other hand, a rapid scanning,
equalling to 10mVs−1, reveals a big jump (at a potential of 970mV
vs. MSE) up to about 13.5Adm−2 and then a drop (at the potential
of 1280mV) to about 8Adm−2, respectively. The most advantageous
scanning rate has been established at 1mVs−1, revealing
the current plateau ranging from 900 to about 1400mV vs. MSE
(mercury-sulphate electrode).
Further polarization characteristics have been obtained under
one selected scan rate equalled 1mVs−1, and electrolyte temperature
of 60±1 ◦C. Fig. 3 presents polarization curves obtained on
AISI 316L SS under three treatment conditions: EP—conventional
electropolishing under a natural convection (without mixing, v =