Big horizontal line: The carrier of the 3rd progenitor’s blood
Big vertical line: Sword, suck more of my blood
Right-top image: the scene where Guren said to Mika, “Uwah, you’re a strong one, huh,” and Mika answered, “Am I? Well, you’re not strong at all.”
Vertical line: Arrogance rooted in confidence
Beneath the image: His actual ability is already noble-class, but he tends to underestimate humans…
Left-top image
Vertical line: Rapidly growing power
Beneath the image: Although he’s been a vampire for only a short time yet, he fought on equal terms with or was even overpowering Guren.
Bottom image
Vertical line: A slash rending the space
Beneath the image: Mikaela is very fast in handling his sword; moreover, he’s getting even faster right in the middle of battle. If he gains the momentum, no one will be able to stop him.
The question of Guren’s power level when he’s completely possessed is a tricky one. At the very least, even possessed, he was no match to Krul. Even if Mahiru, according to her own statement, was about equal in power to Krul, it appears that it doesn’t give the human she possesses the same level of power. If you ask me, I’m pretty sure that, just like Krul, Ferid, for example, wouldn’t have much problem with a possessed Guren either. As to Crowley, provided he’s serious instead of his usual playful, I also doubt that it would go to Guren in the end; he might give Crowley some not very easy time perhaps, but I doubt he stands a chance to win in a one-on-one fight, because with Crowley, it’s not just that outrageous power of his that factors in, but also his inane outstanding talent as a swordsman, his huge real battle experience and swordplay polished up to the extremes in the kill-or-be-killed Crusades.