ISO/IEC/IEEE 24765-2010 defines software engineering (SE) as “the application of
a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to the development, operation, and
maintenance of software”. This is also applicable to end-user software development.
Whereas end-user SE (EUSE) also involves systematic and disciplined activities that
address software quality issues, these activities are secondary to the goal that the
program is helping to achieve [Lieberman et al. 2006, Burnett et al. 2004; Myers et al.
2008; Ko et al. 2011]. The key difference between professional and end-user SE is
the amount of attention given to software quality concerns. Because their priorities
differ and end-user programming is opportunistic [Brandt et al. 2008], people who
engage in end-user programming seldom have time for or any interest in systematic
and disciplined SE activities.