Wat Kaew Korawararam. Located in the heart of Krabi province. The temple is a temple of the province and the third grade. Important both as a center of Buddhism. The Buddhist scripture education center - Bali and the Department of General Buddhist scripture of monks clergy in Krabi province.Located at No. 82 Issara Road, Paknam, Muang Krabi. Krabi with an area of about 4 square meters 202 acres.
Record created measure coincides with the settlement of about 200 families at the home of the Buddhist Association in 2430 B.E. The house was built by monks residing. To a place of religious activity known as the "Phamnaksong Paknam or monks resident of river mouth" when the priest came to the temple hall and parsonage is increased accordingly. The monks at the temple there. And dubbed. "Wat Kaew Korawararam" at a later time.
Promoted to the status of royal temple of the class.
On March 22, 2543 B.E. Wat Kaew Korawararam was raised as a royal temple of third grade ordinary. On the occasion of the King's birthday anniversary commemorating the Sixth Cycle (72nd).
Wat Kaew Korawararam. A center of Buddhism. Important both as a center of Buddhism. The Buddhist scripture education center - Bali and the Department of General Buddhist scripture of monks clergy in Krabi province. Began teaching theologian - Bali. Since the year 2455 B.E., before being extended to other areas of the district in the year 2500 B.E.
Sacred object.
Shaped cast bronze. Actual size of Phra Dhammawarodhom (Seng Uttamo ) former dean of the Phuket Province.
The same is actual size cast of Phrakhru Dhammawutwisit (Kim Phuttharakkhito) The Ecclesiastical Provincial Governor of Krabi Province and also the first abbot of Wat Kaew Korawararam.
The same is actual size cast of Phra Ratchasuttakai( Singh chanthapho) The Ecclesiastical Provincial Governor of Krabi Province and also the second abbot of Wat Kaew Korawararam.
List of temple abbots.
The 2430-2450 B.E. period this temple was also called Wat paknam (The temple of estuary). The were abbot of the temple and ruled around 6-7 (unidentified), but only 3 were recorded.
Phothan Kaew yonyaw from Songkha province.
Phra Borisutthisilachan(Lop) from Trang province.
Phrakhru Satoonsamansaranamuni (Samuth) from Satoon province.
Later in 2450 B.E. Phra Kaewkorop (Hmi Na Thahlang) has invited Phra Samuth Kim Phuttharakkhito to improve temple and then dubbed. "Wat Kaew Korawararam". Hereafter the abbots list.
Phrakhru Dhammawuthwisit (Kim Phuttharakkhito) 2451-2473 B.E.
Phraratchasuttakawi (Singh chanthapho por thor 6, nor thor aek) 2474-2528 B.E.
Phrasutawutthawisit (Khanchai a-phakaro nor thor aek) 2529-2540 B.E.
Phramahasriwang sirimanoonyo 2541-2543 B.E.
Phrapanyawutthathammakhani (Borisut khantiko nor thor aek, age 74 year-old, became in monk for 54 year ) 2543 - present