In order to establish a biological relationship, a DNA test might be recommended in your case. If the consular officer suggests you proceed with DNA testing, please read the following information carefully and follow these directions. DNA testing analyzes the genetic material in human cells and has been found to be over 99 percent accurate in verifying family relationships - parent/child, brother/sister, etc. The testing is entirely voluntary and all costs and expenses associated with it must be paid entirely by the visa or passport applicant and/or his or her family. The test results are usually available within a month, although this varies by lab.
If your relative is located in the United States, their test must be conducted in a laboratory accredited by the American Association of Blood Banks (AABB). The person(s) to be tested must independently choose his or her own AABB Laboratory, make the appointment and go to the collection site directly. Under no circumstances can individuals use 3rd party vendors to select their laboratory, arrange their appointments or transport the specimens. The requested specimen collection technique is buccal (cheek or mouth cavity) swab.
Step 1: The relative in the United States to be tested must select the AABB laboratory nearest to his or her residence and contact them directly to make arrangements for testing and to send a test kit to the Embassy. The test kit must include a pre-paid, pre-addressed return envelope (FedEx or DHL) and explicit sampling instructions. Your testing kit must be sent by the selected lab to the following address:
U.S. Embassy
Consular Section
Rruga Elbasanit Nr 103
Tirana, Albania
Step 2: Once the Embassy receives your testing kit, the consular office will contact you to arrange a time to come to the Embassy to provide a DNA sample. All persons providing samples must bring their passports, two passport photographs and $80 per adult applicant and $60 per minor applicant, or Albanian Leke equivalent. The identity of the individual being tested will be verified and confirmed by the Embassy. A lab technician from the Embassy panel physician’s office will collect the DNA sample in the consular section. While the Embassy does not charge a fee, the panel physician’s office charges the above-mentioned fee per applicant to collect the sample. Once the test is complete, the Embassy will seal the DNA samples and ship them, using the pre-paid envelope, to the designated AABB laboratory.
Step 3: AABB Laboratories will send test results directly to the Embassy. Even though your relative or petitioner may receive his own copy of the results earlier, the Embassy can act only after receiving results directly from the AABB laboratory. When the Embassy receives the results, we will contact you. Please do not contact our office while you are waiting for results to check on the status, as this may result in a delay of your case.
For any questions, please email us with your case information and name at