My Dear,
Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would meet a woman that could captivate and win my heart at "Hello". Every moment from when I wake up till deep in the night, there is no place on earth I would rather be than holding your hand and kiss your cheek tenderly. I am so sorry for writing late. Like I told you in my previous email I was preparing for a presentation which I had this morning and everything went so well. I am really hopeful. I thought I should write to you first thing so you know I did not abandon you.
More about me; I am 5 feet 8 inches tall and I weigh 185 pounds. I own my own home and I have worked very hard for everything I have achieved. I got my Bachelors degree in Anthropology at Boston University in Massachusetts and I got my masters in classical and Mediterranean Archaeology from Cornell University in New York. My favorite color is Blue and I enjoy classical music and Jazz. I am not really picky when it comes to food but I like to eat vegetables and Salads. I like to keep it healthy. My favorite sport is Golf and Polo. I do not drink or smoke. My phone number is +1 929 600 6766. You can call or text me anytime.
You are a special woman with unique and intriguing qualities that drive my desire for you far beyond any imagination. Never imagined that i would meet someone again with whom I would want to share everything, offer all my love unconditionally, and grow old with to one day reminisce of the years we shared together. Just the thought of offering my total heart and spending my life cherishing every moment with you, brings these incredible emotions to me I have since forgotten how to feel.
Tina is doing really great. She has been looking forward to the Weekend. We are supposed to go to the Cinema and watch The Movie "MINIONS" later today. She is very excited about this. Our life is pretty much spent together except when she is at school. I started working from home when Tina's mom passed away so I could do a good Job parenting her alone. I can pretty much do everything myself. It was very hard at first but once I adjusted everything fell into place. It was hard in the beginning but I got used to it after the first year. She is a good Girl and she understands that everything I do is for her. We are always together and I take her along with me whenever I am traveling and if she misses school because of this, then she makes up for it with extra classes. It has worked so far and we are happy.
The worst day of my life was loosing Tina's mom " Helen" and my son "David", but second chances do not come too often in life. I will not go on another day without giving us a true chance at a life with love and happiness I know we could embrace together.
A wise man once told me, "When it is real, you will know," … I know.
Love, hugs & kisses,