The removal of nutrient from the wastewater at various inoculation
volumes of MA and EM in EM bioremediation, MA phytoremediation
and symbiotic MAeEM bioremediation modes were
shown in Fig. 4. Removal pattern to the minimum concentration of
4.5 and 1.0mg L1 for ammonia and phosphorus, respectively could
be observed at all the bioremediation modes in the first 7 days of
the treatment period. As shown in Table 2, inoculation of EM in
symbiotic MAeEM bioremediation significantly improved the absorption
of phosphorus as compared to the conventional MA phytoremediation
with the removal percentage of 49.73 ± 12.23% to
99.15 ± 1.57%, respectively. MA phytoremediation mode with the
inoculation of 30% and 40% MA yielded ammonia removal percentage
of 97.77 ± 3.13% and 97.71 ± 1.74%, respectively. Symbiotic
MAeEM bioremediation mode shows the highest removal of
phosphorus at 20%, 30% and 40% (v/v) MAwith 1mL EMinoculation
in treating aquaculturewastewater. Bioremediation performance of
symbiotic MAeEM bioremediation were statistically proven to be
the significantly highest removal treatment subset for various
inoculation of MAwhich were 20%, 30% and 40% (v/v) but only with
1 mL inoculation of EM. Further addition of 3 mL and 5 mL EM
reduced the phosphorus removal efficiency of the mixed EM-MA
system. However, the ammonia concentration increased after 7
days of EM bioremediation mode to the concentration of 7.0mg L1.
Increase in ammonia concentration was not apparent in MA phytoremediation
and symbiotic MAeEM bioremediation. Ammonia in
EM bioremediation mode and phosphorus concentration in all
bioremediation modes were found to increase following the
maximum absorption on 6e8 days.
The removal of nutrient from the wastewater at various inoculation
volumes of MA and EM in EM bioremediation, MA phytoremediation
and symbiotic MAeEM bioremediation modes were
shown in Fig. 4. Removal pattern to the minimum concentration of
4.5 and 1.0mg L1 for ammonia and phosphorus, respectively could
be observed at all the bioremediation modes in the first 7 days of
the treatment period. As shown in Table 2, inoculation of EM in
symbiotic MAeEM bioremediation significantly improved the absorption
of phosphorus as compared to the conventional MA phytoremediation
with the removal percentage of 49.73 ± 12.23% to
99.15 ± 1.57%, respectively. MA phytoremediation mode with the
inoculation of 30% and 40% MA yielded ammonia removal percentage
of 97.77 ± 3.13% and 97.71 ± 1.74%, respectively. Symbiotic
MAeEM bioremediation mode shows the highest removal of
phosphorus at 20%, 30% and 40% (v/v) MAwith 1mL EMinoculation
in treating aquaculturewastewater. Bioremediation performance of
symbiotic MAeEM bioremediation were statistically proven to be
the significantly highest removal treatment subset for various
inoculation of MAwhich were 20%, 30% and 40% (v/v) but only with
1 mL inoculation of EM. Further addition of 3 mL and 5 mL EM
reduced the phosphorus removal efficiency of the mixed EM-MA
system. However, the ammonia concentration increased after 7
days of EM bioremediation mode to the concentration of 7.0mg L1.
Increase in ammonia concentration was not apparent in MA phytoremediation
and symbiotic MAeEM bioremediation. Ammonia in
EM bioremediation mode and phosphorus concentration in all
bioremediation modes were found to increase following the
maximum absorption on 6e8 days.
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