The goal of this research was to assess the vulnerability to
hazards, awareness of threats, and access to utilities and facilities
(hospitals, transportation methods) of the rural population in the
Yellow River Delta. Data considering the vulnerability to internal
and external processes is known about the Yellow River Delta,
although it is not known to what extent the rural population is
vulnerable to and aware of it. This is the first household survey ever
undertaken in the area and has an exploratory purpose, whose
results can be used for attunement of future household surveys and
assessments of vulnerability. The survey covers a variety of topics
regarding jobs, income, education, facilities available, agri- and
aquaculture activities, threats endured, awareness of climate
change and sea level rise, as well as preference of living area. Nodetailed data is available considering the amount of rural house-
holds in the Yellow River Delta area, only for Dongying prefectural
city as a whole (estimated at 358K). The Yellow River Delta is
intersected by multiple municipalities where only the total popu-
lation (rural and urban combined) is known, which makes it hard to
make an estimate of the total households in the area of interest
(taking into account mostly unregistered migrant populations).
Due to the size of the delta and the travel time between the
different villages in the delta, 93 households are incorporated in the
survey, which