what Not To Do When You Are Giving Feedback
The following obsessions prevent us from giving good feedback to our friends and colleagues
Do not obsess about the author's bibliographic sources. A good reader does not simply name five, ten, or fifty additional books that the author should have consulted and cited. Your job is to focus on what the author does with what they have read. In a thirty-page article, no one can possibly cite everything on a topic. An article is not meant to be exhaustive. with Recommending reading can be a substitute for actually engaging his or the content of the article and how the author has gone about putting think her ideas together. Don't use others' research as a leaping off point to If through your own ideas. Stay engaged with their project and their aims. you read a thirty-page article with twenty to sixty stations, don't let your only feedback be a long list of titles. Don't develop the nervous t of academia to rattle off only loosely have written amazing articles without citing more than three or four other