Hello my lovely fiancee Pum - and soon Wife!!!
I'm so happy with everything you arrange for our Thai wedding in November.
You fix everything, very nice large pictures, and the rings looks very fine.
But I ask, is the house to Puy ready?
If not then we need to book a room at Phimai Inn,
and may be it is more convenient (easy) for us to have a room there anyway
since the wedding is taking place there.
But I leave that to you, if you think we should have a room,
you book for us, big room, top floor with view to the swimming pool.
And I'm also very interested to have a kind of schedule or list of what is
going to take place on November 1st.
Can you write down a list of everything we will do, and the time we do it,
and how long it will take. I don't like surprises very much
and I like to be prepared, so please try to make a list of the most important events.
For example, start the list with what we do from the morning, like this:
1. Pum makeup, at what time, and how long
2. Jan makeup,
3. we dress
4. We go to Phimai Inn
5. Monks come to Phimai Inn
6. When the ceremony starts, and how long time,
7. When and what we eat, etc etc
try to write down a list.
And one more thing I want to ask you,
and that is about the formal part of the wedding.
If I understand right, the ceremony is for the family,
to make us husband and wife.
But I understand that formally (legally) we have to do some paperwork
to register the marriage - is that right?
And if so have you been doing some thought about when and how?
Any we will also need to register the marriage in Norway,
and that will require a lot of paperwork,
or we can do a formal wedding in Norway too.
Don't worry if you don't have complete knowledge about this now,
we can talk more about this when we meet in a few weeks.
Talk to you in the afternoon Saturday (when I wake up in the morning!).
And we can talk more about this email then.