118. Stop beating around the bush!
(1) Stop lying.
(2) Say exactly what’s on your mind. (3) Stop pretending that you don’t care. (4) Say it isn’t so.
119. I’d rather die than rat out my friends.
(1) IpreferdyingthantellyouthatIhaveratsasmy friends.
(2) I prefer having rats as my friends.
(3) I prefer dying than betraying my friends.
(4) I prefer dying than becoming your friend.
120. I don’t know how much you know about me.
(1) I know you don’t know much about me.
(2) I know about you as much as you know about me.
(3) I have no idea what you know about me.
(4) I need to know what you don’t know about me.
121. They decided it would be best to let sleeping dogs lie.
(1) They decided to walk by the sleeping dog.
(2) They decided to leave things the way they are. (3) They decided they will discuss the matter later. (4) They decided to put the case on hold.
122. Should you need any help, you know I’d always be there for you.
(1) YoushouldgetsomehelpandIthinkIcanhelpyou.
(2) Youshouldgetsomehelpandyouknowyoucan
always rely on me.
(3) If you need any help, you know that you can
always count on me.
(4) If you need any help, you know that you can rely
on yourself.
123. Day in, day out, he works like a dog.
(1) He continuously works hard.
(2) He hardly works at all.
(3) He likes being with dogs.
(4) He works harder than anybody else.
124. If I were in your shoes, I would tell her how I really feel.
(1) I will tell her how you feel if you give me your shoes.
(2) I will tell her how I feel if you don’t mind.
(3) If I were you, I would express my true feeling
to her.
(4) If you like her, you have to buy her a pair of