Each 2-hour training session involved a dual-scenario format without any preceding didactic teaching.
A brief orientation preceded the first scenario.
Students then participated in a facilitator-led, focused debriefing within the VOR immediately after the scenario.
They engaged in reflective practice related to the following team-based competencies: shared mental model, role clarity, situation awareness, cross monitoring, open communication, resource management, flattened hierarchy, anticipatory response, and mental rehearsal.
The debriefing structure drew on Thiagi’s 6 phases of debriefing,34 Pearson and Smith’s 3 questions,35 and the plus/delta technique.36 After another scenario with debriefing, the session concluded with student reflection on strategies for translation of skills to clinical practice. At least 3 instructors facilitated a session. One (VK) operated the HPS simulator. Two (JTP, DDG) served as debriefing facilitators. Trained observers rated student team-based behavior. Expedited IRB approval was obtained before initiation of the study protocol.