Wait. Harry Styles yelled at fans at a recent One Direction concert, telling them to "Shut Up"? Well...yes. And no. Mostly no. As in, he said the words, but was just having some fun while trying to get them to quiet down.
Good luck with that. Mission impossible with all those screaming fans, Hazza.
At 1D's recent show in Brussels (where they got up to some pretty crazy stuff, including dancing with a blow up doll), Harry attempted to control the crowd so he could play a game where he divided the audience into smaller groups to have them repeat after him.
Despite his best efforts (we're giving him loads of credit for even trying), shushing the masses did nothing - so he had to resort to yelling 'Shut up!'
Yeah. That didn't work either.
Harry later tweeted: "Thank you to everyone who was at the show in Brussels last night. You made it a great one. Thanks for having us. H"
We love Harry's attempt at crowd control, but stay for the end when he kind of skips away happily. Love. Him.