As shown in , intelligence generation has a moderating effect
on the relationship between commitment and flexibility and, in other
words, it enhances the relationship between commitment and flexibility. T
value of model III shows 2.490 and it is significant in 5% (p value).
Depending on adj R2, Model I shows 63.9%, model II represents 64.7%
and model III appears as 66.5%. This can be explained as adj R2 of model
III is higher than that of model II and, therefore, intelligence generation
has a quasi-moderating effect on the relationship between commitment and
flexibility. However, other variables are not verified to the effect because t
value does not have a mean and adj R2 is not a variance.
The results of this research are as follows. First, work standardization is
ascertained to enhance the relationship between commitment and trust
(supported H. 1-2). The forwarders enhance commitment with customers
and, in addition, they provide trust for customers through their internal
work standardization. Therefore, they supply superior trustful
transportation services for customers if they achieve commitment and
work standardization at the same time. Second, process improving is
verified as enhancing the relationship between commitment and trust
(supported H. 1-3). The forwarders construct a cooperative relationship