Cash disbursements system
Cartoon District Council
1. Background
Daphne is employed by Cartoon District Council as the Creditors and Payroll Clerk. She estimates that she spends approximately 60% of her time on creditors. She is assisted by Velma (Accountant Clerk) who inputs Engineering Design Services invoices; she is also Daphne's back up if Daphne is one leave
Velma was trained by Daphne and is able to complete all functions required for the creditor's clerk role. Daphne is confident that Velma has a sound understanding of the process. It was originally intended that Velma would provide more assistance to Daphne but she has been allocated other duties instead.
2. Policies and Procedures
The Council has a policy manual which is available to staff on the intranet. Copy of the policies obtained. The delegations manual is also on the intranet, the delegations were revised and effective from September 2xx1.
The delegation manual was further revised to clarity the existing policy. However, the revised delegations are yet to be communicated to staff.
Daphne has various procedures documents which are available to Velma and Fred. Shaggy (Accountant) also has sound understanding of the creditors functions and NCS in general.
3. The Purchase Process
(a) Order Books
Order books are managed by Scrappy (Office Manager Toontown) Scrappy keeps a register of order books. The resister records the name or location of the book holder and the numbers of the orders contained in each book. We noted that there are more than 1-2 books on issue to some department:
• Admin 7
• IT 5
• Toytown service center 3
Once order books are completed they are to be returned to the council building in Toontown where they are filed.
Any staff member can order goods as long as they have obtained approved from their manager. Daphne noted that most orders are completed by managers or staff with budget responsibilities. Orders are required for most purchases. Items to be orders over $5)000 must enter the tender process. The monitoring of the tendering policy is the responsibility of the department, although Daphne has noted some instances where the quotes are document on the order.
Orders are not required for items as electricity. telephone and certain publications orders Orders for standard line rentals for the telephone and electricity accounts payment of invoices are pre-authorised and the coding is standard.
Meridian invoices are paid based on a pre-approved order. it is not considered necessary to approve these invoices on a monthly basis as they are routine. The coding is standard but is to be reviewed by Property Services and the Water and Sewerage Manager to ensure the codes remain appropriate.