Gestation Rooms
Measurements for the gestation rooms were taken in the
morning between 09:00 and 12:00 h. Figure 1 shows the
results throughout the year for gestation room G1. The room
temperature ranged from 17.0°C to 26.3°C, while the outside
temperature was between −22.3°C and 23.3°C (fig. 1a). CO2
concentration showed large seasonal variation, ranging
between 720 ppm in August to 4,435 ppm in January. Odor
concentration followed a similar seasonal pattern, with the
lowest value (536 OU/m3) in May and the highest value
(4,993 OU/m3) in January. The warm season from May to
October had low odor concentrations, ranging between 536
and 891 OU/m3, while during the cold season from November
to April, the odor concentrations were high, ranging
between 1,967 and 4,993 OU/m3.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONODOR CONCENTRATIONS AND EMISSIONSGestation RoomsMeasurements for the gestation rooms were taken in themorning between 09:00 and 12:00 h. Figure 1 shows theresults throughout the year for gestation room G1. The roomtemperature ranged from 17.0°C to 26.3°C, while the outsidetemperature was between −22.3°C and 23.3°C (fig. 1a). CO2concentration showed large seasonal variation, rangingbetween 720 ppm in August to 4,435 ppm in January. Odorconcentration followed a similar seasonal pattern, with thelowest value (536 OU/m3) in May and the highest value(4,993 OU/m3) in January. The warm season from May toOctober had low odor concentrations, ranging between 536and 891 OU/m3, while during the cold season from Novemberto April, the odor concentrations were high, rangingbetween 1,967 and 4,993 OU/m3.
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