Addition of solub le calcium salts to milk needs to be con-sidered carefully. Calcium fortification of heat-treated milkcan be achieved with nonionic calcium salts or soluble saltswith a chelating agent.
Addition of calcium in the form of soluble calcium salts
•may increase fouling and sediment formation during UHTprocessing;
•may increase sediment formation in in-container-sterilisedproducts;
•may cause heat-induced gelat ion or coagul ation of milk,depending on Ca2+concentration;
•enhances rennet coagulation and reduces rennet coagula-tion time;
•increases strength of acid-induced gels with small addi-tions, but decreases gel strength with large additions;
•enhances denaturation/aggregation or gelation of wheyproteins, depending on protein concentration;•may accelerate age gelation, but the literature is conflict-ing; and•enhances stability of foams formed with low additionlevels.Removal of calcium