The biggest Toriko is as much as food is consumed, I don't see any toilet around (there's your "plot hole"). J/K!
No. The biggest plothole in Toriko is the inconsistent Capture Levels.
It started with the Galala Alligator being Capture Level 3, increasing to Capture level 6(?) after 300 years of growth.
Many of the old Full Course are so low in levels, it's glaring (Mansam's for example).
Also why waste so much effort on so many weak ingredients like the Jewel Meat, Century Soup?
The Four Beasts are so weak, why were they even considered such a great threat.
Now, this pimple from the Ultimate Predator is devouring a nearly 4k beast with no effort at all.
The Capture Levels in Toriko doesn't make sense is out of control and logic.
Some minor plotholes:
GT Robots are now completely worthless (they used to be a big deal. Why even develop them if useless in the GW).
Acacia was originally dead and a good person.
> Galala Crocodile lived in Human World, probably had a location where everything is lower capture level than itself or own species, thus even if it outlived others it wouldn't grow to much
> Mansam's full course mainly consists out of alcohol which is compatible with him, Jirou's full course was on of the first introduced full courses and he has ashurasaurus and KLS.
> Waste effort on weak ingredients? You've got to start somewhere, you can't just go and get a great ingredient without getting yourself killed, the enviroments these foods are in also give good training.
> The 4beast rivaled the 8kings or fought the 8 kings at one point, it was just massively weaker because it was beaten and knocked by Ichiryuu + Jirou, it was revived and didn't have food for ages so it didn't get a chance to grow real strong, Nonetheless no one was around in Human World aside from 4hk+mansam, and the 4HK nearly died to it.
> not sure how the acacia thing is a plothole.
> Perhaps some are, but you could argue that similar to DBZ, Gourmet World Monsters can hide or lower their CL on purpose to lure in weaker creatures they can hunt.
> GT Robots allowed people to train and safely get an ingredient at the same time, they can take out enemy numbers while remaining alive and well themselves. This is why GT Robo's were picked up by the better people in the Bishokukai like Sous-chefs etc.
> What? where did you get the acacia is dead and a good person from?