As many of you know, the LW team has been working on a documentary involving Hitler, interviews with Neo-Nazis, the holocaust and so much more; but I can’t reveal the specifics just yet. You simply would not believe how many people there are amongst us that have no clue who Hitler is! Even with help and prompting the following words “Uh, is he an actor” have come straight from the mouth of one of our most recent interviews on a college campus. The purpose of Ray’s documentary is mutli-faceted. A natural by-product in researching and thinking about the holocaust of the past that is now in the rear-view mirror has been the modern day holocaust that is storming this world with destruction of human life every .75 seconds! In just the U.S. alone it happens approximately every 23 seconds and 3,700+ times a day. Include the rest of the world, and we are looking at 42,000,000 silent screams a year! It’s horrible! For those that attempt to play the part of little gods and think they are the determiner of God’s design and created order, I would like you to meet Samuel Armas who is now a young man! The below photo was shot by Michael Clancy who was hired by USA Today to capture photos of what went on that day (August, 19, 1999) in the operating room as 21-week-old Samuel thrust his hand into the air! Here is glimpse of Clancy’s perspective during those precious moments in the operating room: - See more at: