Translator for the last part is Blightscarlet-san
You might’ve noticed new menu called [Edited Ver], I’ve uploaded the edited version in there. You must Try It for a better version of the chapter.!!!!
Also thank you very much for Act 3 raw.
now I only lack the raw for Act 4 and 5.
Bertram kingdom Royal Institute, it’s been a tradition to perform an field practice event between class is time to show the degree of mastery of the subject that the final years students from elementary grade.
However, because the partcipants is mainly consisting of the young nobles it mainly in the outskirt of the capital.
There is two route prepared from starting line till the goal, the students split and basically moving along the prearranged route, there is no penalty for the loser.
But the boy students must participating, it’s optional for the girls though.
In addition to the sixth grade students of elementary grade participation, the fifth grade students also participating as rehersal for the next year.
「Well the, after this we will conducting countermeasure plan meeting now. I think now we must aiming for the glory of the first position」
The class leader of the class next to Rio class, Rodan, second son of the marquis class noble, Alphonse house.
The boy who are going to enter the second grade of the Institute usually aiming to enroll into Imperial Guard Knight.
Though, be it social standing or score, he is outstripped by Christina and Roana by an extremely big margin.
But, since usually the one served as class leader is usually male student, thus he become leader.
Something like that is only small matter, possessing a handsome face and a manner that balancing his appearance.
「In my class there is royalty, her highness princess Christina and magic expert from duke Fontin house, Roana-sama. Both of them are genius magician. Furthermore from the fourth year students, we also received assistance from the famous spirit healer, Flora-sama. In the prideful Institute long history, I’m not expected that in this practice I will be blessed by such member.」[TL : in the raw text it’s written as fifth year, but since Flora is one year younger than Rio it’s most likely a typo]
Majority of the class member listening to Alphonse speech seriously.
「most likely we will be encountering a low level monster such as goblin but, no matter how many of them appeared they’re nothing before our combined force, it’s nothing before us. Therefore, as long as you followed my commands, it will be alright」 [TL : yeah, you and your great delusion about the weak goblin till you meet the real one]
Preparation for the practice is a must, since it doesn’t mean that there isn’t any real danger.
the reason is that, some of the monster is making their nest in the vicinity of the forest.
If it’s happen to ba a low class monster, it’s impossible for the students who can use magic to be defeated, it’s didn’t have any sense of practice at all it’s more like a picnic.
For one of the goal of This field practice to build a resistance toward murdering, and that is done by killing a human shaped monster such as goblin.
「Furthermore, at the time of practice it’s necessary to carefully selecting necessary luggage. The detailed note about what necessary and unnecessary luggage is written on the blackboard. So that everyone can check it themself! 」
Every class member then taking a memo with perchment copying what written on the blackboard.
Looking at this scene sith satisfied expression, Alphonse then glaring at Rio.
「Oi, commoner……….You, Rio! listen carefully. You cannot embarassing her highness princess-sama. I won’t accept anything but first place」
Saying that, Alphonse gave him a severe warning.
「Since you can’t use magic, you will certainly dragging everyone, but peace of mind. You only need to follow my command. Yo can have a contribution by carrying other students luggage」
「Understood. I will abide your command」
It’s a severe way of speaking but, he only need to enduring a bit more till graduation.
Especially because he has no reason to talk back, he accepted the other party demand.
And, the practice day arrived.
More than two hundreds students gathered at the starting line.
One class consisting of 70 students.
Each of them armed, wearing practice uniform and leather armor, he color of the practice uniform for each class is different, Rio’s class color is white.
Furthermore, when marching, aside from individual luggage everyone also carrying at least one class luggage.
Rio assignment is to become a porter.[ TL : carriage for everyone]
He completely become a person who does the odd jobs.
「A, ano, are you all right? Carrying that much of heavy luggage………」
It’s only natural for having a consent for Rio who is carrying nearly 30 kilograms of the class luggage, only one person who anxiously calling to Rio with worrying tone.
It’s Flora.
Rio and Flora finally conversing since the kidnapping incident.
Since Flora enrolling to the Institute he never starting a conversation with her even once.
Rio caught off guard because an unexpected person talking to him.
「That, can I carry a little of that?」
Rio is troubelled by Flora proposal to help him.
「No, it’s okay. Thank you for your concern」
That is because he can’t acept Flora proposal.
Since doing that will made him into a target of critism.
Her gentle personality made her look like someone who isn’t from privilaged pedigree.
He already happy with her consent.
But, she is rather ignorant to it that’s why her action affecting the surrounding. [TLC : だが、自分の行動により周囲にどのような影響をもたらすかについては少々疎いようだ。]
Therefore Rio declining her offer and tell his gratitude.
「Flora-sama, there is no need for you to talk with this commoner. It’s only natural for the commoner to take the odd jobs」
Arriving together to that place is Alphonse and Stead, while Rio and Flora talking these two come to their vicinity.
「Hoo~, such great physical prowess as expected of an uncivilized person」
Watching at Rio carrying his luggage plus other 30 kilograms luggage for this march, Stead then said some sarcasm.
Growing accustomed to such sarcasm, Rio just ignoring him and waiting for the departure time.
And then the start signal rang.
After walking for one hour from the starting line, they finally arrived at the first starting point, the forest.
「Gentlemen’s, there is a good news. We discovered a shortcut with cooperation from the fifth years student of Duke Euguno house, Stead. We will arrived at that place in a while」
They’re taking a detour after passing through the forest checkpoint, Alphonse speaking about the existance of a shortcut.
The group members become excited.
「Be quiet. I have no doubt that we will be in the first place if we use this route. Though it will look like a detour if we’re looking at the map, walking through this forest is definitely a shortcut」
Hearing those words, Rio looking at the map to confirm their current position.
Prior to the field training, the Knight group already doing a careful investigation.
Therefore, they’re already made the best route that won’t cause great danger for the field training.
「I voiced my objection. We will be the one who takes the responsibility if by a chance a situation arise when we’re taking a different route which will causing a dangerous situation for her highness princess Christina and her highness princess Flora」[TL : please just cut this jibber-jabber highness things to save my time]
At Alphonse proposal, Roana voicing her objection.
「How do you feel about this, her highness princess Christina?」
Completely disregarding Roana opinion, Alphonse asking for Christina opinion.
「I don’t think we’re skillfull enough to take this route. I think we should avoid such danger. Well, though I can’t make such decision since you’re the commander of this class. But, if by chance such things happened it will be impossible to protect royalty such as Me and Flora」[TLC : not too sure, but most likely this–>けど、王族である私とフローラに万が一のことがあったら擁護しきれないわよ」]
Christina said her refusal in another way. [TL : hold your rage dude’s, remember that a royalty is different from a commoner like us(shoumin sample)]
Hearing that words Alphonse imagining what will happen when such situation arise, and immediately get a cold feet.
「It’s already perfectly investigated by Alphonse-senpai and me. Thoguh it’s not too standout, we’re well informed about the road inside the forest. It seems it’s formerly used as a highway. There is no need to such worry by passing this forest」[TL : now burn your rage dude’s, I will gave you avtur for that]
Stead who is standing beside Alphonse who is trying his best to keep his cool, say with confident voice.
「Alphonse-senpai. We need experiences to improving, so we need to sell a favor to her highness princess-sama」[TLC : not too sure what this line means–> ここで王女殿下に恩を売れれば私達の覚えも良くなるはずですよ」]
Stead whispered in low enough voice so only Alphonse can hear it.
Regaining his self-confidence, Alphonse expression turn back to that of ambitious one. [TLC : それに自信をつけたのか、アルフォンスの顔に覇気が戻る。]
「Ee~, as promised we will estabilish the fastest record among generations. That will be my privilage for celebration of her highness princess Christina graduation. Then, EVERYONE! 」
With that, the class and the fifth years students in his group, each of them approved his action.
Looking at the vicinity of the forest from the map, Rio have a doubt about why the shortcut that Alphonse isn’t mentioned on the map.
Certainly, by advancing through regular route, when taking a