What are you working at the moment?
Where do live now?
How long have you worked at the company?
Do you use your office phone for personal calls?
Is your company plan to open new offices?
Do you think about changing jobs?
What do you think about your line manager/CEO/President?
What project are you working on?
How often do you gossip your manager?
Is your company being improved?
Where are you looking forward to this weekend?
Are your studying anything at the moment?
How often do you come late for work?
What time do you plan to leave the factory today?
How much money do you save every month?
How often do you buy new business clothes?
Do you do your own ironing?
Howoften are you complained about your job?
Will you plan to leave the factory for your own business ?
Do you usually sleep during your work?
What do you like the most in your company?
How many employees does your company have?
Dose your company have a big market share?
How often dose your boss complain your about you work?